SYNC Creatives: Week 3!

We are halfway through the programme! 

We began with Hrvoje’s special session on your business sustainability covering heart centered business that reflects on profit, people and the planet. This opened up great conversations within the cohort! Mamta Gera discussed how effective communication can improve our empathy, active listening and assertiveness as an individual and a leader. Tomas Panek introduced the concept of design thinking, a creative problem solving process and how that can be applied effectively to creative businesses.

The next day, Rachael Castell worked the cohort through pricing in a way that reflects one’s true value, by knowing your worth as a freelancer or sole business owner. Tee Max led a deeper conversation on what our idea of success is as creatives and individuals. This gave the cohort the space to explore how they measure themselves, their journey so far and what they see for themselves in the future.

On our last day of the week, we had a mid programme review with Pagan-Lilley Phillips where we reflected on the lean canvas model and learnt an achievable goal setting structure. We then had an insight in business resilience with Nat Harrison where we learnt how to maintain motivation with self reflection and care. Lu Williams shared their journey on building a brand in their branding workshop. This was a great insight into the process of building a brand with plenty of accessible resources with fun activities. We finished the week with our evening master class, Facilitating Participation with Nathan Ardiaz where like minded facilitators learnt what it means to create a safe space for people to grow, learn and cocreate.  

The programme is flying by! We will be announcing exciting updates next week about the programme so stay tuned!

Photographer: Alan Torres